The following chapter "You Are Not In Control" is from the book ... And That's A Thought which is available on Amazon in it's entirety:
You are not doing it
Things can't be any other way than how they are. A very simple yet profound statement, however, one that few people will ever realize. Most go through life thinking that they are doing all of it. Even those that believe in God or something greater than themselves, still think that ultimately they are in control, and for most; that is how it is supposed to be.
Everything that is supposed to be; Is.
Humans have been trained and programmed to think they are doing it. It is very deeply engrained. You don't want to go up to someone that isn't ready to Hear and tell them that they are not doing it, as this only frightens or enrages them. Usually the latter and they will go about making their best attempts to prove you wrong. However, as you discover it for yourself:
Those that are ready to Hear; will begin to appear.
Discovering that you are not doing it, can be scary at first. You may wonder who is and that is the most important Discovery and one that you won't want to skip. Therefore, find a quiet place and with all sincerity ask:
"Who am I?"
(First person singular.)
(First person singular.)
You have assumed all your life that you know who the "I" is, so in a sense, you have to discard all that you have been taught and assume to know about yourself. Then, when any answer to that question comes, if it can be changed or altered in any way, it is not who you are, because if something can be changed or altered, how can you be it?
Do you see that?
Eventually, you will get to the end of all questions and the Answer becomes obvious. However, this can be either a scary or joyful (or both) time; depending on how deeply engrained the belief in the thought "I" is. However, for the one who perseveres, it always ends in a laugh or knowing smile and even this isn't up to you.
Also, strange things may begin to happen to assist in this Discovery. Although it is unique for all who tread these waters, one might find that they start spending more time alone. People might begin to grow concerned about you. You might be seen as anti-social, because you no longer fit in the *thinking* world the way you once did. You may start a spiritual search or end one, as it varies. It could be all of these things or none of them. Life will use whatever is available to help you Discover who you truly are. You might:
Also, strange things may begin to happen to assist in this Discovery. Although it is unique for all who tread these waters, one might find that they start spending more time alone. People might begin to grow concerned about you. You might be seen as anti-social, because you no longer fit in the *thinking* world the way you once did. You may start a spiritual search or end one, as it varies. It could be all of these things or none of them. Life will use whatever is available to help you Discover who you truly are. You might:
Begin to do things without knowing why you do them. Living in an analytical world makes it so you have to go against the grain of the status quo. Remember, no one will believe you. However, you will want to share, because you are discovering things that light you up and shift and alter your world. Yet, if you tell people, and they are not ready to hear, you will scare them and odds are, their being scared will scare you. Yet even that serves, because you are not doing it and neither are they; so everything, ultimately, serves in waking one up to Truth. In the beginning what was helpful here, is taking a rock and placing it somewhere in the yard, if you have a yard or anywhere outside if you don't. You don't have to be seen doing this, but you don't want to avoid being seen doing it either. Start to watch what you think and what you do. If you are diligent, you will begin to see that more often than not what you *think* actually has nothing to do with what you physically do. You may *think* you are going to go left, only to find you go right. This is assistance. This is the validation. It's the little things that are often overlooked and taken for granted that point most directly to Truth and it is in these little thing that Great Awareness ensues. You may also find that things you had no doubt in your mind would happen ... doesn't. These can be "pain-filled" times simply because one expects to get what they want. However it is also often these times, if and as one becomes Aware, that pushes us deeper into the knowing that: |
"You are not doing it."
If you were doing it, things would always go your way. If you were doing it, you could control what happens at all times. Yet it is when we see that we actually have no control, that the realization that you are not doing it, becomes clear. |
Now, this doesn't usually happen overnight. You keep testing the waters and the waters continually Reveal. The more you test, the more you see and discover that what you had thought about everything; was simply a lie. Not a good lie or a bad lie; just simply not True. The mind (who you think you are) will try at first to "help." However, you must know and it must become clear that it is the mind itself that actually hides or blocks Truth. Overtime it will become a great servant, but in the beginning; it is a terrible master. It will do it's best to keep you focused on it; over Truth. This is why the question:
"Who am I?"
Is so important in the beginning and continues to be as you progress in being undone. It eliminates the mind's ability to help. It teaches the mind/you that you cannot understand Truth; but you can Know it. Know with a capital "K." Meaning that you don't understand, but are Aware of Truth. Words also fail in this regard because words are:
Eventually you will use them to help point others where you are being Pointed. However, in the beginning, they only confuse you. Confusion also serves, because eventually you find that you have to give up. Confusion leads to ultimate surrender. You can use it in assisting you along. When you become confused, simply stop and let go of of all attempts to figure it out and let it go, maybe the answer come to you, maybe it won’t, but you give up attempts to figure it out on your own.
If you are sincere, you will be amazed.
Most people *think* that someone else can do this for them. Can wake up for them. But that is not possible. If it was possible you would already be Awake and yet paradoxically; you already are.
You already are Awake, but the mind hides this.
It is the Gift of the mind to hide it, but you won't know that, until you see through the mind and discover what it hides. Do you want to know the Truth of who you are? If you do, you must want to know it above anything else. It is a road not well travelled, but for those that do; it is the most amazing Journey one can take. The Journey back to who one already IS. You will discover that time is not real, that it is man-made, that the world as you currently know it is not real, that the universe is not real and that you actually don't exist.
Do you want to know?
Do you truly want to know that everything you have ever believed about everything and anything has been a lie? If you do, everything in life will be used to help you Discover Truth. If you don't and you find yourself saying:
"Aw that's a crock of shit."
Even that is not you doing it. However, the seed has already been planted in you to begin to know and as you begin to know, others that are attracted to this investigation do as well. Your life has now been touched by something you will never understand and may not even discover in this lifetime. However all discover it on their deathbed. The good news is, you don't have to wait, you just have to be Willing. :o)