However, seeds have now been planted in you that weren't there before. You are going to ponder all of this. Maybe not right now … but it will come up again.
Look at the people that you have had sex with in the past. Would you do it again? Meaning would you have sex now with the people that you had sex with in the past? If so, are they people you would have considered having a child with (whether biological or not makes no difference).
In a sense, this is the beginning stages, for some in discovering the difference between love and lust. Lust often leads to pain and love to pleasure. Not always, but often is the case. Lust often leads one into being impulsive which can lead down other roads … such as unprotected sex … STDs and unplanned pregnancies. It also can lead to low-self esteem and further promiscuity. Love often, not always, but often leads to intention and planning. Intention and planning in giving the other pleasure. Love is not hurried. Lust often is. This is not about getting married or lifetime commitments. It is just something to look at.
Have a nice day.