Does this sound like your head sometimes?
Note: Before you read any further, take a moment to see if you can become Aware of what everything you hear and think and read appears IN. Instead of looking outward for direction ... see if you can look inward and discover:
Note: Before you read any further, take a moment to see if you can become Aware of what everything you hear and think and read appears IN. Instead of looking outward for direction ... see if you can look inward and discover:
"who's" looking.
Did you get a glimpse? Take a pause before going on and see if you can discover IN you ... that which comes before thought.
There is something, that is not a "thing," that comes before anything you think, anything you see, anything you experience in this world. It is what all things appear IN. You are being asked to begin to allow the possibility that things aren't what you think they are. And as you become more and more Aware of this ... the Stillness that you are IN ... that all reside IN ... the Stillness becomes more and more obvious.
Everything you read below maybe be helpful in in this world. However, the True Help is prior to anything that can be worded, learned or thought. That said, during this life the following has been experienced through my person and I am willing to speak to any of it with anyone that asks with integrity:
- Suicidal Thoughts (starting age 6)
- Feelings of being trapped in a body (starting age 6)
- Sexual Abuse (starting age 6)
- Out of Body Experiences (age 8)
- Verbal Abuse
- Psychological Abuse
- Abandonment
- Self-Destructive Behavior
- Paranoia
- Incarceration of Parent
- Breakdown of Family
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Suicide Attempts (3)
- Depression
- Therapy (20 years, many different Diagnosis, PTSD, bi-polar, manic-depressive, paranoid schizophrenia, etc.)
- Medication (20 years, 30 different medications, anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety.)
- Teen Pregnancy
- Cutting
- Self-flagellation
- Self-Blame
- Irrational Behavior
- Children out of Wedlock
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Death (Both Parents, Significant Other, child and Spouse)
- Hospice (with Mother and Volunteering)
- Cancer (with Mother)
- Military (Family and Friends)
- War (Family and Friends)
- Hospitalization (4 Psychiatric Stays)
- A Course In Miracles
- Having a Teacher/Guru
- Psychedelics
- Meditation
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- Being Alone
- Stillness
The above topics are listed to help one feel more comfortable in reaching out. Often when we know that someone else has gone through a similar situation or experience it lessens the fear of contacting that person. Our stories, like all of those in the list above, are about things that have seemingly happened through this life and I am not going to tell you that these stories do not have an incredibly strong pull towards them, however, after many years of being pointed in the direction of what all of the above appears IN ... it finally dawned:
You/I am before all stories and images.
Now, discovering this doesn't necessarily change anything about you or the world. However, it will change where the attention is being placed. More than likely you will not understand this right now. It is not necessary for understanding. What is necessary is a willingness that you maybe wrong about everything you have thought. This is a huge leap for most. However you don't have to believe it to be true ... you only need the willingness that it maybe so. If you have this willingness and would like to begin releasing the attention you currently have on thoughts and stories that run rampant in the mind. This may sound a bit radical ... however it is being suggested that you stop any attempt to fix yourself. Give up any attempt at getting better, becoming a better you, a better person.
Give up the idea (belief) that you can be fixed.
Obviously if you could be "fixed" or become "better" you wouldn't be here reading this. More than likely you have tried everything the world has to offer and it will always offer something "more" because that is what it is set up to do. If you are willing to give up any attempts to fix yourself, you will be going against the grain of life for a time, but this is necessary if you are going to discover/uncover what all this "fixing" and getting "better" has been hiding.
If you are ready to take a leap, then possibly I can be of service to you, please click here and get in touch. Don't worry about what to write or to say ... just put the fingers on the keyboard and watch what comes out. You don't even have to send it ... just write it and see, then you can see whether or not you have the willingness to jump.
Please note that Sharing the above comes with the price of being vulnerable. This is just as big a leap for my person as it is for yours. However, to share ourselves openly and willingly is the beginning of the Light of Dawn.